This delicious green sauce is great on any style of pasta, particularly wholemeal and spelt. You could also make a lighter version by using zucchini pasta.
To make zucchini pasta:
Use a vegetable peeler to peel strips off zucchini in the desired thickness.
Cook pasta according to directions. Drain and drizzle with olive oil to ensure it doesn’t stick. Set aside.
- Roughly chop zucchini and half the rocket.
- Place in a blender with basil leaves, pine nuts, Clean Lean Protein, garlic and sufficient oil to blend to sauce consistency. Season if necessary.
- At this point you can either heat sauce (providing you used olive oil not flaxseed); or serve cold and raw.
- Stir through the pasta and serve with asparagus and diced tomato on top.
*Can also be served with grilled fish or chicken